Galery Gallery 24 EST's for 25.000 m3/hr treatment EST EL CHL upgrade for AB Food EST EST at ABFood EST at United Nations Mega EST Mega EST Mega EST in container Scada at United Nations Scada Menu United Nations NEW! EST 12-1-10 For Cooling Towers from 200 TR up to 500TR Below typical issues without EST Pipe full of scale Algae beards Pitting corrosion Chiller with corrosion Red water Legionella Cooling Tower filler full of scale Cooling Tower full if scale and algae Foam indicating bacteria Pitting corrosion Calcium carbonate Heavy corrosion Chiller and filler in poor shape. EST chiller and filler and pipe Bad news Bad news Clean filler with EST No corrosion with EST Water supply with and without EST United Nations with EST after 12 years 5 years NO EST Isuzu 7 years with EST Electro coagulation EEC leachate treatment in China EEC silica removal Eagle Cement Removal of Blue dyed water Unilever ice cream water, odor removed, water re-usable for process 180 ppm Silica reduced to 18 Purefoods ammonia removal New EST-N 25-3-25 installed at Mitsubishi phase 3
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